Sunday 3 September 2017

Hull City of Culture 2018

Following the pilot last year, the finale was this year in the Freedom Festival Hull.
Anna Ingleby of Indigo Moon Theatre,Joanna Coates photographer extraordinaire, Catherine Scott poet and rapper, and myself were selected by young women in the Warren Youth Project in Hull, to generate and facilitate development from our respectives workshops, in the context of  Art celebrating Equality and Diversity.

It was fantastic to see what these outcomes were, generated from the workshops and developing from last year. Talented and  undiscovered voices in the making delivered powerful poetry and imagery.

Watch this space to see the docu-film produced by Katie Sunley  of Fly Girl Films, when it's ready and online.

To visit last year's booklet:
Change the norm, click to leaf through and enjoy!

A new catalog of artwork produced for projection onto the Warren headquarters will be here by the end of September!